100 Years of Balfour Declaration and Continuing

100 Years of Balfour Declaration and Continuing Zahir Ebrahim Summary The focus on the ongoing genocide in Gaza by the indomitable power of Zionistan (see http://tinyurl.com/Secret-of-Israeli-Barbarianism ) is missing the real prime-movers of this genocide of Palestinians. Of course the Western World that obligatorily moans the Jews’ Shoah TM in World War II has not just turned a blind eye to the Jewish Shoah visited upon the Palestinians, but is openly aiding and abetting it, squelching even the verbal opposition to Israel’s premeditated Barbarianism in its mainstream presses and officially sanctioned narratives. Full text of The Balfour Declaration: November 2nd, […]
#gaza #Gazagenocide #hamas #hezbollah #History #internationallaw #Iran #Israel #Lebanon #NATO #Palestine #PalestinianGenocide #UnitedStates #usa #Zionism

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